A short overwiev of the evolution of the Portals over TNet (PoT) Project:


The duration of the PoT Project is a total of 18 weeks which are diveded as followed:

Evolution in time
Date 2000

Project Phase

Week 1
05/01 - 05/05
administrative work, project work definition (PoT).
get information and some docu about TNet.
defining project tasks.
Week 2, 3
05/08 - 05/19
reading TNet documentation - analizing vhdl source of
the actual 32Bit-NIC Firmware.
configuring personal workstation and installing all
software related to the project.
Week 4
05/22 - 05/26
organizing first AlphaPC for the Dev System.
getting familiar with the AlphaPC 164LX and his boot
concept - installing Linux .
getting deeper in the concepts of Portals.
Week 5
05/29 - 06/02
experimenting with mpich on Linux.
running and getting familiar with some MPI Benchmarks.
prepare TNet Spec Presentation for weekly meeting at UNM.
Week 6
06/05 - 06/09
TNet Presentation.
analizing Portals to fit TNet.
Week 7,8
06/12 - 06/23
installation of second AlphaPC and building the Dev System.
making Dev System dual boot capable (Tru64 & RedHat Linux).
installing TNet, Myrinet and according software (FCI & Portals).
building own TNet drivers and experimenting.
make Portals compile on Tru64.
Week 9
06/26 - 06/30
start documenting all tasks on this website hpc.fribyte.ch.
Week 10
07/03 - 07/07
first release of the project website.
writing some basic programs running on TNet (no FCI)
Week 11, 12
07/10 - 07/21
driver for TNet now runs on RedHad Linux (alpha)
writing Portals-NAL for TNet (tnal)
building hybrid module supporting Portals3 & FCI over TNet (P3oT)
adapt start/stop scripts for loading/unloading modules
Week 13
07/24 - 07/28

P3oT module, p3test
PoT Presentation

Week 14 - 18
08/14 - 09/15
Debuging, Benchmarking, Report



Besides these Milestones was a non negligible amount of time spent for setting up the work environment (e.g. looking for 2 Alpha Workstations, memory upgrades, Software, Operating Systems, etc).
© 2000 | Adrian Riedo | University of New Mexico ..